
Receive Information Regarding Subsidies

Procedure Counseling and Guidance

Construct a Personnel Evaluation System

Career Counseling

Human Resource Development Program

Receive Information Regarding Subsidies

We provide uncomplicated, easy-to-understand information through our Newsletter “Security Subsidy”. Our Security Database system also makes it possible to cut down on time and costs when searching for information that matches the direction of your business strategies.

Procedure Counseling and Guidance

The Subsidy Application process has an established writing procedure making it complicated for companies unfamiliar with the process. Our company has experienced the process, and so we are able to provide counseling and guidance over even the most difficult steps. For this reason, companies we support are eventually able to apply by themselves.

Construct a Personnel Evaluation System

The Personnel Evaluation system is a key tool in directing employees’ motivation and course of actions. However, many small and medium enterprises simply estimate the performance of their employees with conventional experience and feeling. By constructing a Personnel Evaluation system to objectively measure performance, employees are able to understand their company’s goals and find motivation by knowing exactly how they are being evaluated. As the driving force behind all enterprises, employees need a good work ethic that provides to their needs. We can assist in developing that work ethic.

Career Counseling

There are times when things change in a person’s life, and sometimes these changes can directly impact an employee’s work life. When an employee finds that their life values do not fit with their working environment it can create feelings of tension, anxiety, or dissatisfaction. Through Career Counseling, we can help alleviate those feelings by listening to their situation and provide insight, as well as a chance to help themselves. As a result, we are able to support the productivity of both the employee and the company.

Human Resource Development Program

Training programs for employees and managers have not yet been adapted at many small and medium enterprises. However, considering Japan’s working-age population is decreasing, it is becoming more essential to nurture human resources and enhance the productivity of each person in order to promote sales. Looking ahead to the future, we will assist in the nurturing of employees and management skills.
